SSE Maths

Teaching Number Sense was selected as our focus area for SSE 2018 – 2021.
SSE Summary Report for Parents April 2021
Why Number Sense?
Number sense is important because it encourages students to think flexibly and promotes confidence with numbers. A strong number sense provides the foundation needed for both simple and complex arithmetic. It refers to a child’s fluidity and flexibility with numbers, the sense of what numbers mean and an ability to perform mental mathematics and to look at the world and make comparisons.
SSE 2018 – 2021 Action Plan
Teaching Number Sense Plan
1. Counting activities will be explored in all classes for 5 – 15 minutes 3 times per week. (online activities)
2.All teachers will facilitate Number Talks with all students two days a week for 10 minutes.
3. Ready Set Go Scheme will be followed to develop number sense for Junior and Senior Infants.
4. Explicit teaching of Mental Maths Strategies for addition and subtraction, multiplication and division (PDST Mental Maths handbook) will be implemented as outlined below for 1st to 6th classes: (online activities)
5. Explicit teaching of Mental Maths Strategies for multipication and division (PDST Mental Maths handbook) will be implemented as outlined below for 2nd to 6th classes: (online activities)
Skip counting p.23 Doubles 2s, 4s, 8s p.32 Doubling & halving p.42 Repeated addition/subtraction p.25 Partitioning p.37 Factorisation p.48 | Rounding & Compensating p.34 Known facts p.34 Using multiples of 10 Partial products p.38/ Partial quotients p.41 Think multiplication p.50 Proportional Adjustment p.47 |